About this Database

Wyoming Places is an ongoing project to create an online resource about the place names of Wyoming. It began as an idea of the reference librarians at Wyoming State Library who received many questions about Wyoming places and the origin of Wyoming place names. Individuals from throughout Wyoming have assisted and we have used resources from collections throughout the state and the rest of the U.S.

The purpose of Wyoming Places is to give the user information about the origin of the name of a place, a brief history of that place and stories about it. We are using original sources as well as published sources in the public domain. Names of the sources are given for those who want to do further research. We also link to online resources that relate to the place. These resources must be consistent with our focus and be authoritative, persistent, and noncommercial.

The Names

Official geographic names are designated by the U.S. Geological Survey, Board on Geographic Names in partnership with the Wyoming Geographic Names Board. Wyoming Places uses the official names but gives other spellings and names if they exist. There are more than 28,000 officially named places in Wyoming. That doesn't include hundreds of names of places that no longer exist. Wyoming Places presently includes about 3000 place names, both current and historical.

The Locations

In order to appear on the map, places must have a latitude and longitude. If the place is listed in the U.S. Geological Survey, Geographic Names Information System, we use the latitude and longitude given there. For places not listed, we have derived their latitude and longitude from historic records and maps. For some places, we have not been able to find their latitude and longitude. If you search for these places, you will get information about them but they will not display on the map.

The Features

Places are assigned at least one feature type. Feature types are divided into those that are man-made, land-based, water-based or special (often governmental designations). A location can be assigned more than one feature type. For example, a city or town could also be a post office and/or a railroad station.


The source that provides the information about a place name is given in parentheses at the end of the entry. A full list of sources can be found on the Resources page.
