Amalia B. Post

Amalia B. Post was a leading woman suffragist in Wyoming.

At the celebration, Judge Melville C. Brown, who had been president of the Constitutional Convention, presented Mrs, Amalia B. Post, "as a representative woman of Wyoming," with a copy of the constitution. In response, Mrs. Post gave a speech on behalf of the women of the state, thanking Judge Brown and the Constitutional Convention for giving the women of Wyoming equal civic and political rights with men, (Bartlett, I.S. (1918), History of Wyoming and Cheyenne Daily Sun July 24, 1890, p. 5).

Amalia B. Post's Speech

"Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention.

In the name of the women of Wyoming, I thank you for this copy of our state constitution, and in their name also do I especially thank you for that clause in this constitution which guarantees their enfranchisement. In the history of the world it has seldom been the good fortune of a body of lawmakers to be able to inaugurate at one stroke a movement in the interest of human rights and human liberties as important, as far reaching, as grand as this. And in the name of the women of the civilized world I am here to congratulate you upon the able, fearless and disinterested manner in which you have discharged your duties as a constitutional convention.

This grand result of your labors -- woman’s Magna Carta -- has now been before the civilized world about eight months. It has attracted wide attention and has been subjected to the keenest possible criticism. By narrow-minded people, cranks and bigots it has been universally condemned. By intelligent broad-minded people, by the friends of human progress, by the advocates of universal liberty, it has been universally commended. As a means of assisting Wyoming to become one of the stars in the grand galaxy of liberty it has been a most helpful document.

On some of the important questions of policy that came before your honorable body during the progress of your deliberations, there were honest differences of opinion among you, but when it came to the most important question of all -- the enfranchisement of women, there was no dissenting voice. You have shown the world that as representative men of Wyoming you have the courage of your convictions, and that you are neither afraid nor ashamed to allow women all the rights and privileges unrestricted of American citizens.

An ancient philosopher of the orient has said: 'The veiled slaves of the harem can never become the mothers of a great race of men, but if you would produce a race of great men you must first have a race of great women, both as to body and mind.'

This is the true doctrine. The history of the world has demonstrated its truthfulness in scores of instances. Elevate the standard of womanhood! For there is no surer way by which to elevate the standard of manhood. This is today the most important question involved in the future attainment of the highest plane of human civilization.

In framing this constitution, gentlemen of the convention, you have taken a most important step, looking to the elevation of the human race. And may each and all of you live long to enjoy the honorable distinction this shall surely bring you.

And now, Mr. President and gentlemen of the convention, in closing this brief, disjointed and very inadequate acknowledgement, allow me in the name of the women of Wyoming -- in the name of the women of the civilized world, in the name of human progress, in the name of Christian civilization, in the name of that grand advancing column, the cohorts of universal liberty, again to thank you for this most precious memorial."

"Mrs. Amalia B. Post responded to Judge Brown’s presentation (of the Wyoming State Constitution) in the following admirable address," (Cheyenne Daily Sun July 24, 1890, p. 5).
