March 26

1804 On March 26, 1804, President Jefferson approved an act of Congress dividing Louisiana into two parts, viz: The Territory of Louisiana and the District of Louisiana. The former embraced what is now the State of Louisiana and the latter included all the remainder of the purchase. Under the provisions of the act, the District of Louisiana was made subject to the territorial government of Indiana, of which Gen. William H. Harrison was then governor. Some historians state by this act all Upper Louisiana (which included Wyoming) was made a part of the Territory of Indiana. This is a mistake. The act merely regarded the District of Louisiana as unorganized territory and attached it to Indiana for judicial purposes, etc.

1890 Territorial Delegate Joseph M. Carey introduced a bill into the U.S. House calling for statehood for Wyoming. This was at least the fifth time a bill was introduced for Wyoming statehood. This one succeeded.

1903 The Weekly Boomerang reported, despite the earliness of the season, work had resumed on the "government road leading into the Yellowstone National Park from the eastern or Cody entrance." The road opened later in 1903. Cheyenne photographer J. E. Stimson traveled and photographed the road after it opened. In 2008, author and photographer Michael Amundson "traveled the same road, carefully duplicating Stimson’s iconic original photographs."  His book, "Passage to Wonderland:  Rephotographing Joseph Stimson's Views of the Cody Road to Yellowstone National Park, 1903 and 2008" was published in 2012.

Passage to Wonderland Photograph