References for the Places Database
Allen, Mary Moore. Origin of Names of Army and Air Corps Posts, Camps, and Stations in World War II in Wyoming. Goldsboro, NC: M.M. Allen, n.d.
Amundson, Mike. “Washakie more than Cafeteria.” Branding Iron. 94 (October 10, 1986): p. 5.
Bass, Mabel. “What’s in a name?” Annals of Wyoming 32:164-166.
Bonney, Orrin H. and Lorraine Bonney. Guide to Wyoming Mountains and Wilderness Areas. Denver: Sage Books, 1960.
Bonney, Orrin H. and Lorraine Bonney. Guide to Wyoming Mountains and Wilderness Areas. 2nd. Ed. Denver: Sage Books, 1965.
Brock, J. Elmer. “How the Chugwater got its name.” Westerners. Denver Posse Brand Book. 7 (May 1951): 10.
Brown, Mabel E. - And then there was one The story of Cambria, Tubb Town and Newcastle. 1962.
Carter, W.A. List of Names in Uinta County, Wyoming. Manuscript. July, 1929. Wyoming State Historical Department.
Chittenden, Hiram Martin. The Yellowstone National Park: Historical and Descriptive. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke Co., 1895.
Christiansen, Cleo. Sagebrush Settlements. Lovell, Wyo.: Cleo Christiansen, 1967.
Clough, Wilson O. “Some Wyoming Place Names.” Southern Folklore Quarterly. 7 (March, 1943): 1-11.
Clough, Wilson O. Some Wyoming Place Names. Denver: Western Folklore Conference, University of Denver, July 9, 1942.
Clough, Wilson O. “Wyoming’s earliest place names. “ Annals of Wyoming. 37:211-220.
Coulet du Gard, Rene and Coulet du Gard, Dominique. The Handbook of French Place Names in the U.S.A. Enlarged and Revised Second Edition. Neward, Del.: Editions des Deux Mondes. 1977.
Coutant, C. G. “Pioneers and Origin of Names” in The History of Wyoming from the Earliest Known Discoveries. In three volumes. Laramie, Wyo.: Chaplin, Spafford and Mathison, Printers, 1890.
Dickson, Arthur J. "Notes on the Bingham Post Office and Stage Station" in Old Travois Trails, September-October, 1942. 3(3): 67-68.
Duncan, Mel. Place Names of the Medicine Bow National Forest. Jelm, WY: Jelm Mountain Publications, 1991.
Edwards, Elsa Spear. Geographic Names, Sheridan County, Wyoming. June, 1929. Manuscript. State Historical Department of Wyoming.
Emery, Raymond C. A Dictionary of Albany County Place Names. M. A. Thesis, University of Wyoming, 1940.
Evans, Lloyd R. Ghost Towns of Albany County: twice told tales. Laramie, Wyo. : Laramie Plains Museum, 1984.
Fenwick, Robert W. “Casper to mark Indian battle that gave misspelled name.” Denver Post. July 25, 1965, p. 14.
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Geller, Bruce. “Rock Rhetoric: Encampment, Wyoming.” The Mining Record (July 10, 1985): 5.
Hagen, Mary. “Turn Left at Spring Creek.” American Forests. 70(September 1964): 30-31, 57-59.
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Harder, Kelsie B. Illustrated Dictionary of Place Names: United States and Canada. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1976.
Hebard, Grace Raymond. Early History of Washakie County, Wyoming. 1924. Manuscript. State Historical Department of Wyoming.
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Jost, Loren. “John Charles Fremont: Fremont County’s Namesake.” Wind River Mountaineer 1 (July-September 1986): 4-7.
Julyan, Robert Hixzon. Mountain Names. Seattle: The Mountaineers, 1984.
King, Norman D. Old Wyoming Post Offices. Annals of Wyoming 29: 157-159.
Lacy, Bessie Elizabeth. Place Names [in Fremont County]; In Wyoming. University. Extension Classes Dept. Fremont County and its Communities. 1952. 67-71.
Linford, Dee. Wyoming Stream Names. Wyoming Game and Fish Department Bulletin Number 3. Cheyenne: Wyoming Game and Fish Department, 1944.
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McDermott, John D. “The search for Jacques Laramee A study in frustration.” Annals of Wyoming 36:169-174.
Massicotte, E. Q. (Z.) “Le Nom Geographique Laramie (The Geographical Name Laramie).” Bulletin des Recherches Historiques. 40 (December 1940): 730-731.
Mathisen, Jean. "Fremont County Place Names." Wind River Mountaineer 2 (April-June 1986): 24-25.
Mokler, Alfred J. "Wyoming Board Aids in Compiling Correct List of Geographic Names Within State." Casper Tribune Herald. February 9, 1930, Second News Section, pp. 1-2.
“New Geyser Named.” Branding Iron (April 16, 1986): p. 2.
O’Donoghue, A. “Tensleep Named by Indian Tribe.” Wyoming Tribune. December 2, 1931, p. 13.
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Pence, Mary Lou and Lola M. Homsher. The Ghost Towns of Wyoming. New York: Hastings House, 1956.
“Place Names of Natrona County and their derivation as told by a historian.” Manuscript. State Historical Department of Wyoming.
“Powder River, Nothing Else: Geographic Board Upsets Plan to Call it ‘Muddy’.” Wyoming Tribune. December 3, 1928, p. 10.
Reckmeyer, Clarence. “Tale of the Crazy Woman.” Omaha World Herald. January 22, 1929, p. 12.
Ridings, Reta W. Wyoming Place Names: Compiled from Clippings in the University of Wyoming Library. Laramie: University of Wyoming, 1940.
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“Sioux Indians Claim they named Rawhide Buttes.” Lusk Herald. July 4, 1929, p. 1.
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Chicago: 1908.
Stewart, George R. American Place-Names: A concise and selective dictionary for the Continental United States of America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1970.
Titus, C.L. Derivation of name, Telephone Canyon. March 13, 1930. Letter to the Wyoming State Historian which is in the State Historical Department of Wyoming.
Urbanek, Mae. Wyoming Place Names. Boulder, Colo.: Johnson Publishing Co., 1967.
U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Providing designation for the lake to be formed by the waters impounded by Flaming Gorge Dam. House Report 879, 88th Congress, 1st session, 1963.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Designating the lake to be formed by the water impounded by the Flaming Gorge Dam, Utah, in the State of Wyoming and Utah, as “Lake O’Mahoney.” Senate Report 279, 88th Congress, 1st session, 1963.
U.S. Department of the Interior. Board on Geographical Names. Decisions of the United States Board on Geographical Names. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office.
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Whittlesey, Lee H. A page-by-page look at Aubrey Haines's Yellowstone place names: mirrors of history and a response to it, 1996.
Whittlesey, Lee H. Wonderland Nomenclature. A history of the place names of Yellowstone National Park: being a description of and guidebook to its most important natural features, together with appendices of related elements and photos of significant characters. Helena, MT: Montana Historical Society Press, 1995, c 1988.
Whittlesey, Lee H. Yellowstone Place Names.Gardiner, MT : Wonderland Publishing, 2006.
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Yochelsen, Ellis L. “Monuments and Markers to the Territorial Surveys.” Annals of Wyoming 43:113-124.
History of Wyoming County Libraries
The following documents are the result of a project titled History of Wyoming County Libraries, done in 1969 by John E. Peters, Title II Coordinator at the Wyoming State Library. The manuscripts are housed at the Wyoming State Library. These items are available at the Wyoming State Archives in microfilm format.
Brown, Mrs. Wesley. Golden Anniversary of Newcastle's Public Library. Unpublished manuscript.
Chambers, Laura. Founding of Douglas Library.
Clark, Mrs. Edward. History of the Glenrock Library. Given out "at our 'Open House'" November 16, 1943. Unpublished.
Gettys, Mrs. Claude. History of Story Community Branch Library. March 19, 1966. Unpublished manuscript.
Hackett, Marjorie. Campbell County Library, Gillette Wyoming. Unpublished manuscript.
Happy Hour Club. History of Mountain View Library. 1954. Unpublished manuscript.
Heuer, William. History of the Fremont Public Library and Branches. June 1969. Unpublished manuscript.
History Glenrock Branch Library October 14, 1939 to April 21, 1968. Unpublished manuscript.
History of the Libraries in Johnson County. Unpublished manuscript.
History of Sweetwater County Library. Unpublished manuscript.
History of the Washakie County Library. Unpublished manuscript.
Kelly, Mrs. Mary. Goshen County Library Torrington. Unpublished manuscript.
Milek, Dorothy G. The Hot Springs County Library. 1968. Unpublished manuscript.
Nelson, Elizabeth T., History of the Saratoga Branch Public Library. October 9, 1964. Unpublished manuscript.
Olson, Gertrude. The Sublette County Library story. March 1, 1964. Unpublished manuscript.
Platte County Public Library Outline of its history. June, 1946, 1952. Unpublished manuscript.
Platte County Public Library History 1951-1968. Compiled from the Minutes of the Library Board Meetings.
Stoneberg, Virginia. History of Libraries in Greybull. Unpublished manuscript.
Stoner, Mrs. Ethel. Short History of the Cokeville Library. 1954. Unpublished manuscript
Worl, Mrs. Ethelyne. Sublette County Library Pinedale, Wyoming. Unpublished manuscript.
Adams, George I. Gypsum Deposits in the United States. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1904. (Adams)
Allan, Esther B. History of Teton National Forest. [U.S.Department of Agriculture. Forest Service] Bridger Teton National Forest, 1973. (Allan)
American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia. Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, Volume 2. Philadelphia: The Society, 1889. (American Catholic Historical Society)
The American Cyclopedia A popular dictionary of general knowledge Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1883. (The American Cyclopedia)
American Heritage Center. Laramie, Wyoming. (AHC, Collection)
American Motorist. American Automobile Association. Washington, D.C.: American Automobile Association Publishing Company, 1909- (American Motorist vol:no)
Anderson, Kevin S. Spirit of the Thunderbird: the growth of Casper College. [Casper, Wyo.: The college], 1995. (Anderson)
Annals of Wyoming (Annals of Wyoming vol:no)
Athearn, Robert G. Union Pacific Country. Chicago: Rand McNally and Company, 1971 (Athearn)
Atlas of the United States. Map of Nebraska, and the territories of Dakota, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Cincinnati: Stedman, Brown & Lyon, 1872. (Atlas, 1872)
Ball, Max W. "The Western Part of the Little Snake River Coal Field, Wyoming" in Investigations of the Coal Fields of Wyoming by the United States Geological Survey in 1907. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1909. (Ball)
Bargar, Keith E. Geology and Thermal History of Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1444. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1978. (Bargar)
Bartlett, Ichabod Sargent, ed. History of Wyoming. Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1918. (Bartlett)
Bear River State Park. Division of State Parks and Historic Sites. Cheyenne: Wyoming State Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, n.d. (Bear River State Park)
Bell, Evelyn. The Biography of James K. Moore. From Original Manuscript Compiled by Evelyn Bell. Published in The Life & Times of James Kerr Moore: Indian Trader & Military Sutler. Henry E. Stamm, IV, Ph.D. 2004. (Bell)
Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774 to Present (Biographical Directory of the United States Congress)
Bishop, L.C. and Paul Henderson. Map of California-Oregon-Mormon Emigrant Roads Featuring The Pony Express 1860-1861. No. F 26564 LCB, 1959. (Bishop and Henderson)
Bits and Pieces edited by Mabel E. Brown. 1965- (Bits and Pieces)
Blackstone, D.L.Jr. Traveler's Guide to the Geology of Wyoming. 2nd edition. Geological Survey of Wyoming Bulletin 55. Laramie, WY: Geological Survey of Wyoming, 1971. (Blackstone, 1971)
Blackstone, R. Sectional Map of the Southeastern Part of Wyoming Territory reduced from official land plats. Cheyenne, 1878. (Blackstone)
Blevins, Bruce H. Big Horn County Wyoming Facts and maps through time. Powell, Wyo.: WIM Marketing, 2000. (Blevins, 2000)
Blevins, Bruce H. Mapping Wyoming. Mansfield Centre, CT: Martino Publishing, 2007. (Blevins, 2007)
Blevins, Bruce H. Park County, Wyoming Facts and maps through time. Powell, Wyo.: WIM Marketing, 1999. (Blevins, 1999)
Bobinski, George S. Carnegie libraries; their history and impact on American public library development. Chicago: American Library Association, 1969. (Bobinski)
Bonney, Orrin H. and Lorraine Bonney. Field Book The Wind River Range Including Bridger, Glacier, and Popo Agie Wilderness Areas, and Wind River Reservation.
Second, Revised edition. Houston: 1968. (Bonney, 1968)
Bonney, Orrin H. and Lorraine Bonney. Guide to the Wyoming mountains and wilderness areas. Sage Books, 1965. (Bonney, 1965)
Boysen State Park. Division of State Parks and Historic Sites. Cheyenne: Wyoming State Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, n.d. (Boysen State Park)
Bradley, W.H. Geology of Green River Formation and associated Eocene rocks in southwestern Wyoming and adjacent parts of Colorado and Utah. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 496-A. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1964. (Bradley)
Cattle Brands owned by members of the Wyoming Stock Growers' Association. Chicago: J.M.W. Jones, 1882. (Brands, 1882)
State Board of Livestock Commissioners of Wyoming. Official Brand Book of the State of Wyoming. (Brands, year)
Bright, William. "A Glossary of Native American Toponyms and Ethnonyms from the Lewis and Clark Journals." Names 52:3. (Bright)
Britton, Alexander Thompson. Laws of the United States of a Local Or Temporary Character, and Exhibiting the Entire Legislation of Congress Upon which the Public Land Titles in Each State and Territory Have Depended. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1884. (Britton)
Powder River Country The Papers of J. Elmer Brock. Margaret Brock Hanson, editor. Cheyenne: Frontier Printing, 1981. (Brock)
Brown, C. Exera. Brown's Gazetteer of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway, and branches, and of the Union Pacific Rail Road. pp. 20-26. Chicago: 1869. (Brown's Gazetteer)
Brown, Mabel E. - And then there was one The story of Cambria, Tubb Town and Newcastle. 1962. (Brown, Mabel)
Brown, Mrs. Wesley. Golden Anniversary of Newcastle's Public Library. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Brown, Mrs. Wesley)
Buchanen, James. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting reports from the Secretaries of State, of War, of the Interior, and of the Attorney General, relative to the military expedition ordered into the Territory of Utah. 35th Congress, 1st session, House Executive Document 71. Washington, D.C.: United States Congress, 1878. (Buchanen)
Buffalo Bill. Life and adventures of "Buffalo Bill," Colonel William F. Cody. Chicago : Stanton and Van Vliet Co., 1917. (Buffalo Bill)
Buffalo Bill State Park. Division of State Parks and Historic Sites. Cheyenne: Wyoming State Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, n.d. (Buffalo Bill State Park)
Burns, Robert Homer, Andrew Springs Gillespie, Willing Gay Richardson. Wyoming's Pioneer Ranches. Laramie, Wyo.: Top of the World Press, 1955. (Burns)
Burton, Richard F. The City of the saints: and across the Rocky Mountains to California. Appendix I: Emigrant's Itinerary. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1862. (Burton)
Campbell, Reau. Campbell's New Revised Complete Guide and Descriptive Book of the Yellowstone Park. Chicago: Rogers and Smith Co., 1909. (Campbell)
Carnegie Public Library, Cheyenne, Wyoming: a history of its organization and construction, with some ideas on the general scope and usefulness of the new building, and other interesting data. Edited by Robert C. Morris. Cheyenne, Wyo. : Daily Leader Press, 1902. (Carnegie Public Library) Casper Star-Tribune.
The Century Book of Facts A handbook of ready reference. Collated and edited by Henry W. Ruoff. Springfield, Mass.: The King-Richardson Company, 1906. (The Century Book of Facts)
Chambers, Laura. Founding of Douglas Library. Undated in papers sent to Mary Read Rogers by Milton Lefler, Converse County Library, September 21, 1967. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Chambers)
Chapman, Frank M. Camps and cruises of an ornithologist. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1908. (Chapman)
Chapple, Joe Mitchell. A'top O' the World Wonders of the Yellowstone Dreamland. Boston: Chapple Publishing Company, 1922. (Chapple)
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. Burlington Route. United States map showing Burlington Lines and connections... (map on verso) Chicago: Poole Bros., 1907- (Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, 1907)
Chicago and Northwestern Railway and Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Railroad. List of Officers, Agents and Stations. [Chicago: Chicago and Northwestern Railway], 1903. (Chicago and Northwestern Railway and Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Railroad List, Year)
Chicago and Northwestern Railway, Wyoming and Northwestern Railway, etc. List of Officers, Agents and Stations. [Chicago: Chicago and Northwestern Railway], 1907- (Chicago and Northwestern Railway, Wyoming and Northwestern Railway, etc. List, Year)
Chittenden, Hiram Martin. The American Fur Trade of the Far West A History of the Pioneer Trading Posts and Early Fur Companies of the Missouri Valley and the Rocky Mountains and of the Overland Commerce with Santa Fe. 3 volumes. New York: Francis P. Harper, 1902. (Chittenden, 1902)
Chittenden, Hiram Martin. The Yellowstone National Park Historical and Descriptive. Cincinnati: Robert Clark Company, 1895. (Chittenden, 1895)
Chittenden, Hiram Martin. The Yellowstone National Park Historical and Descriptive. Eighth edition. Cincinnati: Stewart and Kidd Co., 1914 (Chittenden, 1914)
Chittenden, Hiram Martin. The Yellowstone National Park Historical and Descriptive. Cincinnati: Steward and Kidd Co., 1917. (Chittenden, 1917)
Christiansen, Cleo. Sagebrush Settlements. Lovell, Wyo.: Mountain States Printing Company, 1967. (Christiansen)
Christiansen, R. L., Lowenstern, J. B., Smith, R. B., Heasler, H., Morgan, L. A., Nathenson, M., Mastin, L. G., Muffler, L. J. P., and Robinson, J. E., 2007, Preliminary assessment of volcanic and hydrothermal hazards in Yellowstone National Park and vicinity. U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 2007-1071. Reston, VA: U.S. Geological Survey, 2007. (Christiansen, et al, 2007)
Clark, Mrs. Edward. History of the Glenrock Library. Given out "at our 'Open House'" November 16, 1943. Unpublished. Library History Project. (Clark)
Clough, Wilson O. A history of the University of Wyoming, 1887-1964. [Laramie, Wyo.: Wilson O. Clough], 1965. (Clough, 1965)
Clough, Wilson O. Some Wyoming Place Names. Laramie, Wyo.: University of Wyoming, 1943. (Clough)
Collier, A. J. The Osage Oil Field, Weston County, Wyoming. USGS Bulletin number 736-D. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1922. (Collier)
Rand McNally & Co. Commercial atlas of America. Chicago: Rand, 1924. (Commercial Atlas, 1924)
Conner, James F. History of the Bighorn National Forest and the Vicinity. 1940. (Conner)
Contract with Overland Mail Company (Contract).
Cook, Jeannie. Wiley's Dream of Empire The Wiley Irrigation Project. Cody, Wyo.: Yellowstone Printing and Publishing, 1990. (Cook)
Coues, Elliott. History of the Expedition Under the Command of Lewis and Clark in Four Volumes. Volume III. New York: Francis P. Harper, 1893. (Coues)
Coutant, C. G. The History of Wyoming from the Earliest Known Discoveries.
In three volumes. Laramie, Wyo.: Chaplin, Spafford and Mathison, Printers, 1890. (Coutant)
Cram, George Franklin. Cram's township and railroad map of Wyoming. Chicago: 1895. (Cram, 1895)
Crofutt, George A. Crofutt's New Overland Tourist and Pacific Coast Guide: Over the Union, Central and Southern Pacific Railroads, Their Branches and Connections, by Rail, Water and Stage. Chicago: Overland Publishing Company, 1884. (Crofutt, 1884)
Crofutt, George A. Crofutt's Overland Tours consisting of over six thousand miles of main tours and three thousand miles of side tours....Chicago and New York: Rand McNally and Co., 1890. (Crofutt, 1890)
Crofutt, George A. Crofutt's Trans-continental Tourist's Guide: Containing a Full and Authentic Description of Over Five Hundred Cities, Towns, Villages, Stations, Government Forts and Camps, Mountains, Lakes, Rivers, Sulphur, Soda and Hot Springs, Scenery, Watering Places, Summer Resorts: Over the Union Pacific Railroad, Central Pacific Railroad... New York: George A Crofutt, 1873 (Crofutt, 1873)
Crofutt, George A. Crofutt's Trans-continental Tourist's Guide: Containing a Full and Authentic Description of Over Five Hundred Cities, Towns, Villages, Stations, Government Forts and Camps, Mountains, Lakes, Rivers, Sulphur, Soda and Hot Springs, Scenery, Watering Places, Summer Resorts: Over the Union Pacific Railroad, Central Pacific Railroad... New York: G. W. Carleton and Co., Publishers, 1875. (Crofutt, 1875)
Crook County Library History. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Crook County Library)
Curt Gowdy State Park. Division of State Parks and Historic Sites. Cheyenne: Wyoming State Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, n.d. (Curt Gowdy State Park)
Dalgarno, Muriel. History of the Carnegie Library. Niobrara County Wyoming. April, 1952. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Dalgarno)
Darton, N.H. "Comparison of the stratigraphy of the Black Hills, Bighorn Mountains and Rocky Mountain Front Range" in Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. Volume 15, p. 398. (Darton)
Daugherty, John, A Place Called Jackson Hole: the historic resource study of Grand Teton National Park. Grand Teton National Park: National Park Service, 1999. (Daugherty)
Davis, John C. Bentonite deposits of the Clay Spur District, Crook and Weston Counties, Wyoming. Issue 4 of Preliminary report. Laramie, WY: Geological Survey of Wyoming, 1965. (Davis, John)
Davis, Richard C., ed. Encyclopedia of American Forest and Conservation History. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company for the Forest History Society, 1983. (Davis)
Decisions on Geographic Names in the United States, 1890-1999 (Decisions, year)
Journeys to the Land of Gold: Emigrant Diaries from the Bozeman Trail, 1863-1866. Susan Badger Doyle, editor. Helena, MT: Montana State Historical Society, 2000. (Diaries)
Dickson, Arthur J. "Notes on the Bingham Post Office and Stage Station" in Old Travois Trails , September-October, 1942. 3(3): 67-68. (Dickson)
Doane, Gustavus C. The Report of Lieutenant Gustavus C. Doane upon the so-called Yellowstone Expedition of 1870. Senate Executive Document 51, 41 st Congress, 3rd Session. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1874? (Doane)
Dodge, Grenville M. How we Built the Union Pacific Railway: and other railway papers and addresses. [Council Bluffs, Ia.: Monarch Printing Co., 1910?] (Dodge)
Dorn, Jane Logan and Robert D. Wyoming Birds. Cheyenne, WY: Mountain West Publishing, 1990. (Dorn and Dorn)
Duncan, Mel. The Medicine Bow Mining Camps. Laramie, WY: Jelm Mountain Publications, 1990. (Duncan, 1990)
Duncan, Mel. Place Names of the Medicine Bow National Forest. Jelm, WY: Jelm Mountain Publications, 1992. (Duncan, 1992)
Edness K. Wilkins State Park. Division of State Parks and Historic Sites. Cheyenne: Wyoming State Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, n.d. (Edness K. Wilkins State Park)
Enlarging Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Public Lands and Surveys, United States Senate. 75th Congress 3rd Session. August 8 and 10, 1938. (Enlarging Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming)
Finerty, John Frederick. War-path and bivouac: or The conquest of the Sioux. Chicago: Chicago Times, 1890. (Finerty)
Buildings on Fort Bridger military reservation: Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a report of a Board of Arbitrators convened for the purpose of appraising the valuation of certain buildings on the military reservation of Fort Bridger, Wyo. United States. Board of Arbitrators for the Purpose of Appraising the Valuation of Certain Buildings on the Military Reservation of Fort Bridger, Wyo. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1874. (Fort Bridger Military Reservation)
Frémont, John Charles. Narrative of the exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains in the year 1842 : and to Oregon and North California, in the years 1843-44. Syracuse, N.Y.: Hall and Dickson, 1848. (Fremont)
Gannett, Henry. A Dictionary of altitudes in the United States, 4th edition.United States Geological Survey Bulletin number 274. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1906. (Gannett, 1906)
Gannett, Henry. The Origin of Certain Place Names in the United States, 2nd edition. United States Geological Survey Bulletin number 258. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1905. (Gannett, 1905)
Gardner, A.Dudley, William R. Snell, David E. Johnson. Historic Investigations of the Bear River Divide Segment of the Oregon Trail. Cheyenne, Wyoming: Bureau of Land Management, 1987. (Gardner, et. al.)
Gaskell, Map of Wyoming. 1894. (Gaskell)
R. L Polk & Co's Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming and Arizona Gazetteer and Business Directory. Chicago: R. L Polk & Co, Publishers, 1884-85. (Gazetteer, 1884)
R. L. Polk & Co. Wyoming State Gazetteer and Business Directory 1908-9. Volume 1. (combined with Idaho State Gazetteer and Business Directory) R. L. Polk & Co., 1908-9. (Gazetteer, 1908-9)
Department of Interior. General Land Office. State of Wyoming (map), 1892. (General Land Office, 1892)
Gettys, Mrs. Claude. History of Story Community Branch Library. March 19, 1966. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Gettys)
Glendo State Park. Division of State Parks and Historic Sites. Cheyenne: Wyoming State Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, n.d. (Glendo State Park)
Glenrock Branch Library October 14, 1939 to April 21, 1968. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Glenrock Branch)
Godfrey, Anthony. Pony Express National Historic Trail: Historic Resource Study. Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1994. (Godfrey)
Gold Flakes to Yellowcake Historic Mine Trail Wyoming Historic Mine Trail and Byway Program. Interpretive Plan. Summer 2009. Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office, 2009. (Gold Flakes to Yellowcake Historic Mine Trail)
Granger, Walter. Faunal horizons of the Washakie Formation of southern Wyoming. 1909. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 26:3, pp. 13-23. (Granger)
Great Trans-continental Railroad Guide, Containing a Full and Authentic Description of over five hundred cities, towns, villages... Chicago: George A Crofutt and Co., 1869. (Great Trans-continental Railroad Guide, 1969)
Guernsey, Charles A. Wyoming Cowboy Days. New York: Putnam, 1936. (Guernsey)
Guernsey State Park. Division of State Parks and Historic Sites. Cheyenne: Wyoming State Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, n.d. (Guernsey State Park)
Guidebook of the Western United States Part B. The Overland Route with a side trip to Yellowstone Park by Willis T. Lee, Ralph W. Stone, Hoyt S. Gale and others. United States Geological Survey Bulletin number 612. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1916. (Guidebook of the Western United States)
Hackett, Marjorie. Campbell County Library, Gillette Wyoming. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Hackett).
Hague, Arnold, S.F. Emmons, Clarence King. Report of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, Volume II: Descriptive geology. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1877 (Hague, Emmons, King)
Haines, Aubrey L. Historic Sites Along the Oregon Trail. Gerald, MO: Patrice Press, Inc., 1981. (Haines, 1981)
Hannings, Bud. Forts of the United States An Historical Dictionary, 16th through 19th Centuries. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company, Inc., 200?. (Hannings)
Happy Hour Club. History of Mountain View Library. 1954. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Happy Hour Club)
Hausel, W. Dan. The geology of Wyoming's precious metal lode and placer deposits. Laramie, WY: Geological Survey of Wyoming, 1989. (Hausel)
Hayden, Ferdinand V. United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Publications. (Hayden, year)
Haynes, Jack Ellis. Haynes new guide: and Motorists' Complete Road Log of Yellowstone National Park. St. Paul, MN: J.E. Haynes, 1920. (Haynes, 1920)
Hebard, Grace Raymond and E. A. Brininstool. The Bozeman Trail Historical Accounts of the Blazing of the Overland Routes into the Northwest, and the Fights with Red Cloud's Warriors. 2 volumes. Cleveland: Arthur H. Clark Co., 1922. (Hebard and Brininstool)
Heitman, Francis B. Historical Register and Dictionary of the U. S. Army. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1903. (Heitman)
Henderson, Paul and Helen. The Paul and Helen Henderson Oregon Trail Collection. Located at the North Platte Valley Museum , Gering, Nebraska. (Henderson)
Heuer, William. History of the Fremont Public Library and Branches. June 1969. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Heuer)
Hewitt, D. F. "The ore deposits of Kirwin, Wyo." in Contributions to economic geology, 1912. Part I. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1914. (Hewitt)
Hill, James M. The mining districts of the Western United States. USGS Bulletin 507. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1912 (Hill)
The Historical encyclopedia of Wyoming. 2 v. Cheyenne : Wyoming Historical Institute, [c1970] (Historical Encyclopedia of Wyoming, volume)
Historical Record. A monthly periodical. Including Supplement, Chronology. Edited and Published by Andrew Jenson. Salt Lake City. 1882-1890. (Historical Record)
History of the Parks System. Section 2 of Parks and Recreation Master Plan - Snapshot. Cheyenne Area Master Plan Plan Cheyenne. Cheyenne, WY:Cheyenne Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, 2006?- (History of the Parks System)
Hot Springs State Park. Division of State Parks and Historic Sites. Cheyenne: Wyoming State Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, n.d. (Hot Springs State Park)
House Journal of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Wyoming. Wyoming. Legislative Assembly. House of Representatives. 1869-1890. (House Journal, year)
Hunter, Kent. History of Hawk Springs. 1976. Manuscript 899. Wyoming State Archives. (Hunter)
Iddings, Joseph P. Obsidian Cliff, Yellowstone National Park in Seventh Annual Report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey. Washington, D.C.: Goverment Printing Office, 1886. (Iddings)
Ingles, J. David. Guide to North American Railroad Hot Spots. Waukesha, Wis.: Kalmbach Publishing Co., 2001. (Ingles)
Inventory of the county archives of Wyoming. Wyoming Counties. Cheyenne, Wyo.: The Historical Records Survey, 1938-1942 (Inventory, county)
Jackson, William Henry. Descriptive catalog of the photographs of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories for the years 1869 to 1875, inclusive. William Henry Jackson, Photographer. Second edition. Miscellaneous Publications No. 5. Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey of the Territories. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1875. (Jackson)
James, George Wharton. Reclaiming the Arid West: the story of the United States Reclamation Service. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1917. (James)
Jamison, C. E. The Salt Creek Oil Field Natrona County, Wyo. Cheyenne, Wyo.: S. A. Bristol Co. Printers, 1912. (Jamison, 1912)
Jamison, C. E. Geology and Mineral Resources of a Portion of Fremont County, Wyo. Cheyenne, Wyo.: S. A. Bristol Co. Printers, 1911 (Jamison, 1911)
Jenson, Andrew. "Origin of Western Geographic Names associated with the History of the 'Morman' People" in The Utah genealogical and historical magazine. Volume 10-12, 1919-1921. (Jenson)
Johnson, Elizabeth Wilkinson. Trails, Rails and Travails. LaGrange, Wyoming: 1988, p.p. 1-3. (Johnson)
History of Libraries in Johnson County. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Johnson County Libraries)
Joint Centennial Committee of Saratoga and Encampment, Wyoming. Saratoga & Encampment Wyoming: an album of family histories. Woodlands, Tex. : Portfolio Pub. Co., c1989. (Joint Centennial Committee)
Jones, William A. Report upon the reconnaissance of Northwestern Wyoming including Yellowstone National Park made in the summer of 1873. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1875. (Jones)
Kelly, Mrs. Mary. Goshen County Library Torrington. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Kelly)
Kemp, J. F. and W. C. Knight. Leucite Hills of Wyoming in Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. Volume 14. Rochester, 1903. (Kemp and Knight)
Kensel, W. Hudson. Dude ranching in Yellowstone country: Larry Larom and Valley Ranch, 1915-1969. Norman, OK: Arthur H Clark, 2010. (Kensel)
Keyhole State Park. Division of State Parks and Historic Sites. Cheyenne: Wyoming State Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, n.d. (Keyhole State Park)
Kiilsgaard, Thor H., George E. Ericksen, Lowell L. Patten, and Carl L. Bieniewski. Cloud Peak Primitive Area, Wyoming. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1371-C. Washington D.C.: GPO, 1972. (Kiilsgaard)
Kirkbride, Mrs. Dan "Peggy". From these roots. Cheyenne, WY: Pioneer Printing and Stationery Co., 1972. (Kirkbride)
Knight, Wilbur C. Geology of the Wyoming experiment farms ; and, Notes on the mineral resources of the state. Bulletin / University of Wyoming, Agricultural College Department, Wyoming Experiment Station ; no. 14. Laramie, Wyo.: University of Wyoming, Agricultural College Dept., Wyoming Experiment Station, 1893. (Knight, 1893)
Knight, Wilbur C. and Slosson, E.E. The oil fields of Crook and Uinta Counties, Wyoming. Laramie, Wyoming: University of Wyoming, School of Mines, Petroleum Series. Bulletin No., 3, 1899. (Knight, 1899)
Lageson, David R. and Darwin Spearing. Roadside Geology of Wyoming. Mountain Press, 1988. (Lageson and Spearing)
R. L Polk & Co's Laramie City and Albany County Directory 1924-1925. Salt Lake City: R. L Polk & Co, Publishers, 1924.
(Laramie City and Albany County Directory, 1924)
Larpenteur, Charles. Elliott Coues, editor. Forty years a fur trader on the Upper Missouri. The personal narrative of Charles Larpenteur 1833-1872. Vol. New York: Francis P. Harper, 1898. (Larpenteur)
Larson, T. A. History of Wyoming. Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 1965. (Larson, 1965)
Larson, T. A. History of Wyoming. 2nd edition rev. Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 1978. (Larson, 1978)
Linenberger, Toni Rae. The Flaming Gorge Unit Colorado River Storage Projec t. Denver, CO: Bureau of Reclamation, 1998. (Linenberger, 1998)
Linford, Dee. Wyoming Stream Names. Second edition. Cheyenne, Wyo.: Wyoming Game and Fish Department, 1975. (Linford)
Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World A Complete pronouncing gazetteer, or, geographical dictionary of the World containing notices of over one hundred and twenty-five thousand places : with recent and authentic information respecting the countries, islands, rivers, mountains, cities, towns, etc., in every portion of the globe. 2nd edition. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1880. (Lippincott, 1880)
Lupton, Charles T. Oil and Gas near Basin, Big Horn County, Wyoming. Contributions to economic geology, 1915, Part II. United States Geological Survey Bulletin no. 621L. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1916. (Lupton)
McFadden, Mrs. Wilmot. Sweewater County Branch Library, Rock Springs Carnegie Library Rock Springs, Wyoming. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (McFadden)
McKenzie, William H. Mountain to Mill The Colorado and Wyoming Railway. Colorado Springs, CO.: MAC Publishing Inc., 1982. (McKenzie)
Madsen, R. Scott. The Bomber Mountain crash: a Wyoming mystery. Buffalo, Wyo. : Mountain Man Pub., 1990. (Madsen)
Marshall, R. B. Results of Spirit Leveling in Wyoming 1896 to 1912, inclusive. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1914. (Marshall, 1914, Spirit)
Marshall, R. B. Results of Triangulation and Primary Traverse, 1906, 1907 and 1908. United States Geological Survey Bulletin number 440. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1910. (Marshall, 1910, Triangulation)
Marshall, R. B. Results of Triangulation and Primary Traverse, 1911 and 1912. United States Geological Survey Bulletin number 551. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1914. (Marshall, 1914, Triangulation)
Medicine Bow National Forest Records, 1897-1987 Created by Medicine Bow National Forest (Wyo.) Supervisor. Box 4, Folders "Geographic, Place Names-Other Materials 1926-1933" and "Geographical Place Names – Letters 1908-1951", Medicine Bow National Forest Records Collection 03654, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming. (Medicine Bow National Forest Records)
Melton, Henry, interviewer. Landmarks and the Origin of their Names. WPA Subject File 1291. Wyoming State Archives. (Melton)
Mencken, H. L. The American Language An Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States. 2nd edition. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1921. (Mencken)
Milek, Dorothy G. The Hot Springs County Library. 1968. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Milek)
Miller, Mark. Military Sites in Wyoming 1700-1920 Historic Context. Laramie, WY: Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, 2012. (Miller, 2012)
Mills, Enos A. Your National Parks A guide to the National Parks. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1917. (Mills)
Missouri Botanical Garden. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. St. Louis, MO: Missouri Botanical Garden, 1914- (Missouri Botanical Garden, Year)
Mokler, Alfred James. History of Natrona County Wyoming 1888-1922. Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1923. (Mokler)
Monroe, Kathy. "Sheridan County Carnegie and Sheridan County Fulmer Public Libraries" in Sheridan County Heritage Book. Pierre, S.D. : State Publishing Co., 1983. (Monroe)
Morris, Robert C. Collections of the Wyoming Historical Society. Volume 1. Cheyenne, Wyo., 1897. (Morris, 1897)
Morris, Robert C. Report on the commercial, industrial, and transportation interests of Wyoming. United States. Dept. of the Treasury. Bureau of Statistics. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1889. (Morris)
Morton, Eliza Happy. Geographical Spice A Manual for the use of teachers. Lebanon, OH: March Brothers, 1893 (Morton, Eliza)
Morton, Julius Sterling. Illustrated History Of Nebraska A history of Nebraska from the earliest explorations of the Trans-Mississippi region...
Volume II. Lincoln, Neb.: Jacob North and Company, 1906. (Morton, Julius)
Morton, J. Sterling and Albert Watkins. History Of Nebraska from the earliest explorations of the Trans-Mississippi region. Revised edition.Lincoln, Neb.: Western Publishing and Engraving Co., 1918. (Morton and Watkins)
Volume II. Lincoln, Neb.: Jacob North and Company, 1906. (Morton, Julius)
Mountain Plains Library Association. MPLA Newsletter. Vermillion, SD: Mountain Plains Library Association, 1976- (MPLA Newsletter vol:no)
Myers, Judi. On The Map Sublette County Places Toponyms: Geographic Names. web page, 2006- (Myers)
Report of the Director of the National Park Service to the Secretary of Interior. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, Year- (National Park Service, Year)
Nelson, Aven. The Trees of Wyoming and How to Know Them. Wyoming Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 40. Laramie, Wyo.: Experiment Station, 1899. (Nelson, Aven, 1899)
Nelson, Dick. Only a cow country, at one time : Wyoming counties of Crook, Weston, and Campbell, 1875 to 1951. San Diego, Calif. : Mae M. Nelson, c1951 Pioneer Printers. (Nelson, Dick)
Nelson, Elizabeth T. A History of the Saratoga Branch Public Library. October 9, 1964. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Nelson, Elizabeth)
New International Encyclopedia. Edited by D. C. Gilman, H. T. Peck and F.M. Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1904. (New International Encyclopedia)
Norris, P.W. The Calumet of the Coteau, and other poetical legends of the border. Also, A glossary of Indian names, words, and western provincialisms, together with A guidebook of the Yellowstone National Park. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott and Co., 1884. (Norris)
Official Guide to the Yellowstone National Park A manual for tourists being a description of the Mammoth Hot Springs, the Geyser Basins, the Cataracts, the Canons, and other features of the new wonderland. St. Paul, Minn.: W. C. Riley, Publisher, 1890. (Official Guide)
Travelers’ Official Railway Guide for the United States and Canada. W. F. Allen, compiler and editor. Philadelphia: National Railway Publication Co., 1800s-.
(Official Railway Guide, year)
Olson, Gertrude. The Sublette County Library story. March 1, 1964. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Olson)
Oregon Short Line Railroad. List of Officers, Agencies Stations, etc. [New York]: Oregon Short Line Railroad, 1910, 1920-1925, 1927-1928. (Oregon Short Line List, Year)
Osterwald, Frank W. and Doris b. Osterwald. Wyoming Mineral Resources. Laramie, WY: University of Wyoming, 1952. (Osterwald and Osterwald)
The Outrider. Cheyenne, Wyo.: Wyoming State Library, 1968- (Outrider vol:no)
The Pacific Tourist [with various subtitles] Published and edited by 1876-1881 Henry T. Williams; 1881 Adams & Bishop; 1882/83- Frederick E. Shearer, 1876- (Pacific Tourist, year)
Pages from Converse County's Past. Douglas, Wyo.: Heritage Book Committee. Wyoming Pioneer Association, 1986. (Pages from Converse County's Past)
Palmquist, Peter E. and Thomas R. Kailbourn. Pioneer Photographers of the Far West: A Biographical Dictionary, 1840-1865. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2000. (Palmquist and Kailbourn)
Papineau, Diane Marie. Transforming place at canyon : politics and settlement creation in Yellowstone National Park. Thesis. Bozeman, MT: Montana State University, 2008. (Papineau)
Parco, Sinclair, Wyoming, 50 years. [Rawlins, Wyo. : Town of Sinclair], 1975. (Parco)
Parkman, Francis. The Oregon Trail. E.N. Feltskog, editor. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1969. (Parkman)
Pence, Mary Lou and Lola M. Homsher. The Ghost Towns of Wyoming. Hastings House, New York: 1956, p. 206. (Pence and Homsher)
Platte County Public Library Outline of its history. June, 1946, 1952. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Platte County Public Library, date)
Platte County Public Library, 1951-1968. Compiled from minutes of the Library Board meetings. Library History Project. (Platte County Public Library, 1951-1968)
Powell, John Wesley. Exploration of the Colorado River of the West and its tributaries: Explored in 1869, 1870, 1871 and 1872 under the direction of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1875. (Powell, 1875)
Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the U.S. Army Continental Commands, 1821-1920. Volume 5. Washington, DC: NARA, 1999. (Records of the U.S. Army Continental Commands)
Presidential Executive Orders. (Presidential Executive Orders, number); Presidential Proclamations (Presidential Proclamations with date in citation or number), Price, Charles R. Irrigated Lands of United States, Canada and Mexico. Los Angeles: Pan-Pacific Press, 1909. (Price)
Progressive Men of the State of Wyoming. Chicago: A. W. Bowen and Co., 1903. (Progressive Men)
Rand McNally & Co.'s Enlarged Business Atlas And Shippers' Guide... Together With A Complete Reference Map Of The World... Accompanied By A New and Original Compilation and Ready Reference Index, Showing In Detail The Entire Railroad System... Engraved, Printed, And Published By Rand, McNally & Company, Chicago, U.S.A. 1889. (Rand McNally, 1889)
Raymond, Rossiter Worthington. Mining Industry of the states and territories of the Rocky Mountains. New York: J. Ford and Co., 1874. (Raymond)
Raynolds, W. F. in Stanton, Edwin M. Report of the Secretary of War, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of February 13, 1866, the report of Brevet Brigadier General W. F. Raynolds, on the exploration of the Yellowstone and the country drained by that river. Senate Executive Document number 77, 40th Congress, 2nd session. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1867. (Raynolds)
Reclamation Service also U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Annual Report. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1902- (Reclamation, year)
Rice, Gwen and Linn Rounds. History of the Wyoming State Library December 16, 1871-1996. Cheyenne, Wyo., 1996. (Rice and Rounds)
Rioux, Robert Lester. Geology of the Spence-Kane Area, Big Horn County, Wyoming. Thesis, University of Illinois. Normal, ILL: University of Illinois, 1958. (Rioux)
Roehler, Henry W. Stratigraphy of the Washakie Formation in the Washakie Basin, Wyoming. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin number 1369. Washington,D.C.: GPO, 1973. (Roehler)
Romanoski, Jennifer. "The Polka-Dot Place" The Sentry Gatchell Museum Association. Summer, 2014. (Romanoski)
Ruppel, Edward T. Geology of Pre-Tertiary Rocks in the Northern Part of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. Geological Survey Professional Paper 729-A. Geology of Yellowstone National Park. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1972. (Ruppel)
Schultz, Alfred Reginald. Geology and Geography of a portion of Lincoln County, Wyoming. United States Geological Survey Bulletin number 543. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1914. (Schultz, 1914)
Schultz, A. R. The southern part of the Rock Springs coal field, Sweetwater County, Wyo. in United States Geological Survey Bulletin number 381, Contributions to Economic Geology 1908. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1910. (Schultz)
Schultz, Alfred R. Oil possibilities in and around Baxter Basin, in the Rock Springs uplift, Sweetwater County, Wyoming. United States Geological Survey Bulletin number 702. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1920. (Schultz, 1920)
Schultz, Alfred R. and Whitman Cross. Potash-bearing rocks of the Leucite Hills Sweetwater County, Wyoming United States Geological Survey Bulletin number 512. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1912. (Schultz and Cross)
Seminoe State Park. Division of State Parks and Historic Sites. Cheyenne: Wyoming State Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, n.d. (Seminoe State Park)
Sherard, Nelson. “LaGrange History.” Torrington Telegram, Platte Valley Section. (August 29, 1946), p. 2. (Sherard)
Sheridan, Philip H. Report of an exploration of parts of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana in August and September, 1882, made by Lieutenant General P.H. Sheridan... Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1882. (Sheridan)
Shoemaker, Nancy, ed. American Indians. Boston: Blackwell Publishing, 2000. (Shoemaker)
Sinks Canyon State Park. Division of State Parks and Historic Sites. Cheyenne: Wyoming State Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, n.d. (Sinks Canyon State Park)
Spring, Agnes Wright. The Cheyenne and Black Hills Stage and Express Routes. Glendale, CA: The Arthur H. Clark co., 1949. (Spring)
Stanford's compendium of Geography and Travel North America. edited by F. V. Hayden and A.R.C. Selwyn. London: Edward Stanford, 1883. (Stanford)
Stanley, Edwin James. Rambles in Wonderland or, Up the Yellowstone, and among the geysers and other curiosities of the National Park. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1878. (Stanley)
Stansbury, Howard. An Expedition to the valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah including a description of its geography, natural history and minerals, and an analysis of its waters: with an authentic account of the Mormon settlement, also, a reconnaissance of a new route through the Rocky Mountains. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo and Co., 1855. (Stansbury)
Star Valley and its Communities. Material collected and written by University of Wyoming Extension class in Education 603, School and Community Relations, in August and September 1951. Laramie, Wyo.: University of Wyoming, 1952. (Star Valley and its Communities)
[Stennett, William H.] A history of the origin of the place names connected with the Chicago & Northwestern and Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railways. Chicago: 1908. (Stennett, 1908)
[Stennett, William H.] Yesterday and Today: A history of the Chicago and North Western Railway System. 3rd edition. Chicago: 1910. (Stennett, 1910)
Stewart, George Rippey. American Place Names: a concise and selection dictionary for the continental United States of America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1970. (Stewart, 1970)
Stone, R. W. Coal near the Black Hills Wyoming-South Dakota. United States Geological Survey Bulletin number 499. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1912 (Stone, 1912)
Stone, R. W. and others. Gypsum Deposits of the United States. United States Geological Survey Bulletin number 697. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1920. (Stone, 1920)
Stoneberg, Virginia. History of Libraries in Greybull. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Stoneberg)
Stoner, Mrs. Ethel. Short History of the Cokeville Library. 1954. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Stoner)
Sweetser, Moses Foster. King's handbook of the United States. Buffalo, NY: Moses King Corporation, 1892. (Sweetser)
History of Sweetwater County Library. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Sweetwater County Library)
Taff, Joseph Alexander, et. al. Investigations of the Coal Fields of Wyoming by the United States Geological Survey in 1907. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1909. (Taff)
Talbot, Theodore. The journals of Theodore Talbot, 1843 and 1849-52 : with the Fremont expedition of 1843 and with the first military company in Oregon Territory, 1849-1852. Portland, Or.: Metropolitan Press, 1931. (Talbot)
A Tale of Two Towns - Tulsa and La Barge. Edited by Dorise Marx Housley, Betty Carpenter Pfaff, Wanda Sims Vasey. 1977 (Tale of Two Towns)
Thwaites, Rueben Gold, ed. Early Western Travels, 1748-1846. Cleveland, OH: Arthur H. Clark Co., 1904. (Thwaites)
Trenholm, Virginia Cole. Footprints on the Frontier Saga of the La Ramie Region of Wyoming. Douglas, WY: Douglas Enterprise Co., 1945. (Trenholm)
Trenholm, Virginia Cole and Maurine Carley. Wyoming Pageant. Casper, WY: Bailey School Supply, 1946. (Trenholm and Carley)
Union Pacific Railroad. Centennial Train. ?, [1990] (Union Pacific Railroad, 1990)
Union Pacific Railroad Company. List of agencies, stations, equipment, etc. Omaha: Railroad Accounting Dept., 1892-(?) - (Union Pacific Railroad List, year)
Unrau, William E. Editor. Tending the Talking Wire A Buck Soldier's View of Indian Country 1863-1866. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1979. (Unrau)
United States Army. United States Military Reservations, National Cemeteries, and Military Parks: Title, Jurisdiction, Etc. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1916. (US Military Reservations)
United States. Bureau of Mines. Minerals Yearbook. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1934- (Minerals Yearbook, year)
United States Congress. Congressional Globe.
United States Department of Agriculture. Soil Conservation Service. Wartime Farming on the Northern Great Plains. Miscellaneous Publication No. 497. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1942 (Soil Conservation Service 1942)
United States Department of the Interior. Annual Report. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1849- (Department of the Interior Annual Report, year)
United States Geological Survey. Annual report. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1880- (United States Geological Survey, year)
United States Geological Survey. Mineral Resources of the United States. Washington, D.C. Government Printing Office, 1883-1933 (Mineral Resources, year)
U.S. Geological Survey Photographic Library
U.S. Geological Survey. 1:24,000 Topographic Maps. (USGS 1:24000 topographic map, name)
United States. Post Office Department. Preliminary Post Route Map of the Territories of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and State of Colorado with parts of adjacent states and territories. [Washington, DC]: Post Office Department, 1878, Updated 1879. (Post Route Map, 1878, 1879)
United States Statutes at Large. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1845- (# Stat. #)
Veatch, A.C. Geography and Geology of a Portion of Southwestern Wyoming. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper No. 56. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1907. (Veatch)
Wasden, David J. From beaver to oil A century in the development of Wyoming's Big Horn Basin. Cheyenne, WY: Pioneer Printing & Stationery Co., 1973. (Wasden)
Washburn, C. W. Gas fields of the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming. United States Geological Survey Bulletin no. 340. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1908. (Washburn)
History of the Washakie County Library. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Washakie County Library)
Wegemann, Carroll H. The Salt Creek Oil Field, Natrona County. Washington, DC: GPO, 1918. (Wegemann)
Wheel of Time 1800's - 1984. sponsored by Arvada Historical Group. Pierre, S.D.: State Publishing Company, 1984. (Wheel of Time)
Wheeler, Olin D. 6000 Miles Through Wonderland being a description of the marvelous region traversed by the Northern Pacific Railroad. St. Paul, Minn.: Northern Pacific Railroad, 1893. (Wheeler, 1893)
Wheeler, Olin D. Sketches of Wonderland A land of rolling plains, boundless grain fields, sculptured lands, alpine lakes, mining camps, Indian life, dancing rivers,.... St. Paul, Minn.: Northern Pacific Railroad, 1895. (Wheeler, 1895)
Whitcomb, H.A., and Lowry. M.E. Ground-water resources and geology of the Wind River Basin area, central Wyoming. U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-270. 13 p., scale 1:250,000. 3 sheets. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1968. (Whitcomb and Lowry)
White, Henry Kirke. History of the Union Pacific Railway. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1895. (White)
White, Donald Edward, R.A. Hutchinson, and T.E.C. Keith. The geology and remarkable thermal activity of Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. U.S. Geological Survey professional paper 1456. Reston, VA: U.S. Geological Survey, 1987. (White, Hutchinson and Keith)
Whiteley, Lee. "The Trappers Trail: The Road to Fort Laramie’s Back Door" Overland Journal 16:4. (Whiteley)
Whittlesey, Lee H. Wonderland Nomenclature. A history of the place names of Yellowstone National Park: being a description of and guidebook to its most important natural features, together with appendices of related elements and photos of significant characters. Helena, MT: Montana Historical Society Press, 1995. (Whittlesey)
Whittlesey, Lee H. and Elizabeth A. Watry. Yellowstone National Park. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2008. (Whittlesey and Watry)
Whittlesey, Lee H. Yellowstone Places Names. Helena, MT: Montana Historical Society Press, 1988. (Whittlesey, 1988)
Will, George F. and George E. Hyde. Corn among the Indians of the Upper Missouri. St. Louis, MO: William Harvey Miner Co., Inc., 1917. (Will and Hyde)
Winser, Henry Jacob. The Yellowstone National Park A manual for tourists, being a description of the Mammoth Hot Springs, the geyser basins, the cataracts, the canyons and other features of the land of wonders. New York: Putnam's, 1883. (Winser)
Worl, Mrs. Ethelyne. Sublette County Library Pinedale, Wyoming. Unpublished manuscript. Library History Project. (Worl)
Wyoming Blue Book. Vols. 1-5. [Cheyenne : Wyoming State Archives, Dept. of Commerce], 1974- (Wyoming Blue Book vol year)
Wyoming Experiment Station, Annual Report. Laramie, Wyo.: University of Wyoming Agriculture Department, 1891- (Wyoming Experiment Station, year)
Wyoming A Guide to Its History, Highways, and People. Compiled by workers of the Writer's Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Wyoming. New York: Oxford University Press, 1941. (Wyoming Guide)
Wyoming Department of Transportation. The Wyoming Scenic Byways and Backways Program. [Cheyenne: Wyoming Department of Transportation], 2009. (Wyoming Scenic Byways and Backways Program)
Wyoming Geological Association. Guidebook Annual Field Conference. (WGA Guidebook, year)
Wyoming Highway Department. Planning Branch. Wyoming Rail Network Milepost Book. Cheyenne: Wyoming Highway Department, 1979. (Wyoming Rail, year)
Wyoming Historical Blue Book A Legal and Political History of Wyoming 1868-1943. Marie H. Erwin, ed. Denver: Bradford-Robinson Printing Co., 1946. (Wyoming Historical Blue Book, 1946)
Wyoming Legislative Assembly. General Laws, Memorials and Resolutions of the Territory of Wyoming Passed at the first session of the Legislative Assembly. Cheyenne, Wyo.: Bristol, 1870. (Wyoming Legislative Assembly)
Wyoming Library Association. Wyoming Library Roundup. Cheyenne, Wyo.: Wyoming State Library, 1942- (Wyoming Library Roundup, vol: no)
Wyoming Newspapers. Individual titles and dates are listed. (Newspaper Title, Date)
Wyoming Post Offices (Wyoming Post Offices)
Wyoming Recreation Commission. Long-range planning for historic sites. [Cheyenne, WY: Wyoming Recreation Commission], 1984. (Wyoming Recreation Commission, 1984)
Wyoming. Secretary of State. The State of Wyoming. An official publication containing reliable information concerning the resources of the state. Cheyenne: Sun Leader Printing House, 1898. (Wyoming Official Publication, 1898)
Wyoming. Session laws of the State of Wyoming passed by the State Legislature. Cheyenne, Wyo : Legislative Service Office. 1890- (Wyoming, Session Laws, year)
Wyoming 75th Anniversary Commission. Wyoming: The 75th Year: Official Publication of the Wyoming 75th Anniversary Commission.
Douglas: The Commission, 1965. (Wyoming 75th Anniversary Commission)
Wyoming State Archives. Collections. (Archives, Collection)
Wyoming State Business Directory (Wyoming State Business Directory, year)
Wyoming. State Engineer. Biennial and Annual Reports (title varies). Cheyenne, Wyo., 1894- (Wyoming State Engineer, year)
Wyoming. State Geologist. Biennial and Annual Reports (title varies). Cheyenne, Wyo., 1890- (Wyoming State Geologist, year)
Wyoming. State Historian. Biennial and Annual Reports (title varies). Cheyenne, Wyo., 1920- (Wyoming State Historian, year)
Wyoming. State Library. Biennial and Annual Reports (title varies). Cheyenne, Wyo., 1904- (Wyoming State Library, year)
Wyoming. State Library. Research. Conclusions based on research done by the librarians at the State Library. (WSL)
Wyoming (Territory). Governor. Message of Governor... to the... Legislative Assembly of Wyoming Territory. Cheyenne, Wyo., 1869-1890. (Wyoming Territorial Governor, year, Message)
Wyoming (Territory). Governor. Report of the Governor of Wyoming to the Secretary of the Interior. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1878-1890. (Wyoming Territorial Governor, year)
Wyoming. Workmen’s Compensation Department. Report (title varies). Cheyenne, Wyo. 1916- (Wyoming Workmen’s Compensation Department, year)
Yellowstone National Park. Superintendent. Annual Report to the Secretary of the Interior. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1872, 1877- (Yellowstone, date)